1. Are these items authentic originals or factory variants?
We do not claim these items to be original or authentic. We only guarantee that the quality of our products is second to none. A huge amount of time has been spent on sourcing for manufacturers with the highest quality in China/Asia. This means picking out only the top 10% of all manufactures there are.
All of our items are shipped directly from the factory and have never been worn, tried on, or laced up. Although they are factory variants, the discrepancy between them are very subtle at most. For this reason alone, we cannot guarantee authenticity of the product, but can assure you that you will be satisfied with the product that is ordered.
2. Why the items in you web is more expensive than others?
Here, what I want to clarify is. Please do not compare our price with other sellers whose price is lower, because we are not in the same quality level. We only provide the best quality level product in Chinese Market, if you can find any goods in other store is better than us, please contact with us, you have the right to ask for exchanging goods or refunding your money any time.
1. How to order?
Register and create an account, and make sure the contact information is valid.
Log in your account
Choose products by categories or search for a particular item no.
Select the color
Add to the shopping cart
Review the order summary and enter your discount coupon code if you have one.
Confirm the order, then select your payment option from a list, and be forwarded to the appropriate third party secure websites for payment processing.
2. What is the customer’s responsibility?
Customers must be reachable via email and/or phone. These are the only two ways we contact our customers. It is extremely important that:
a. your email address should be one that you most often use, and you should check your junk mailbox to see if our emails end up there,
b. your phone numberis in use and your voicemail (in any) is not full.
3. Why I have duplicated order?
Once the payment failed or was declined, you should click “reorder” to arrange the payment again. And the duplicated ones will be canceled if you require.
4. What can I do if the item is out of stock?
All items are subject to availability. There is limited stock for each item. When an item goes out of stock at the time the order is placed, normally it will be replenished in a week.
You will be contacted by email or TradeManager and required to choose another products for replacement once the ordered item is found out of stock.
Therefore, please make sure you are available by the email and the phone you provide in your account.
5. What can I do after payment?
After the payment is completed, we will inform you via email or TradeManager.
After that, You shall check your order or email box in 2-3 days for tracking number.
6. How long does it take to process my order?
We begin processing your order immediately after we receive your payment. It takes 5 to 8 days to arrive at your door.
7. How can I get an even better price? Do you wholesale?
Frequently we will put some items on sale. We also do wholesale and dropshipping. Please email directly to [email protected] or whatsapp (86-139-7495-1360) to us.
1. What payment method do you accept?
We accept Visa and Mastercard credit/Maestro card securely. We also offer attractive discounts and faster processing for cash payment through Western Union and MoneyGram. We currently do NOT accept personal checks and money orders.
Payment Option 1: Credit Card Online Payment Gateway (Accept Visa, MasterCard, Maestro)
Payment Option 2: Western Union/ Money Gram (8% discount offered)
2. How to pay via Western Union
Western Union is fastest way to transfer money worldwide. With its cheaper charge and convenient office locations, we are prefer to accept this payment method. You can also use credit card to do transfer with Western Union. You can simply click http://www.westernunion.com to find the nearest-by western union office or register an account and send money online.
Western Union Info:
First name: XiaoTang
Last name: Fan
City: Shen Zhen
Country: China
Tel: 86-139-7495-1360
After you make it, you need to tell us the following information so that we will pick up the money:
MTCN numbers (10 digital numbers)
Sender’s full names who sent the money
Exact amount you paid and which currency you paid
Sender’s country origin
Senders’ telephone number
You must fill the receiver’s right names, otherwise we cannot pick up the money and you have to correct the names again.
1. How to Ship?
Our default shipping method is DHL, EMS, general shipping time is 5-7 business days. Tracking no. provided and free shipping to your door.
2. How long will be took while shipping?
General shipping time is 5-7 business days, while our competitors take weeks after weeks. Tracking no. provided and free shipping to your door.
3. How to get the tracking no.?
Tracking numbers are sent by system to your order and email address.
4. How to get the shipping status?
We will ship all the orders within 2-3 business days if the payment have completed or cleared, except on holidays or weekends, and will email you the tracking number. Usually your package is traceable 24-48 hours after the shipment done. You can track the detailed transportation information online by the tracking number.
The links are below:
EMS: http://www.ems.com.cn/english-main.jsp (English)
DHL: http://www.dhl.com/publish/g0/en.high.html?main_index=yes (English)
HK Post Air Mail:http://app3.hongkongpost.hk/CGI/mt/enquiry.jsp (English)
China Post Air Mail: http://intmail.183.com.cn/icc-itemstatusen.jsp (English)
5. Why I cannot get the package on time?
Usually, it takes 5-7 days to ship to your door.
Sometimes, the delivery may be delay because of the weather or the holiday.
6. Is overnight shipping available?
Unfortunately there is no overnight shipping available for international shipments. The order is always shipped directly from China via major international express services like EMS, DHL, HK Air Postal, China Air Postal.
7. When will the shipment be arranged?
The shipment will be arranged after the payment is received.
All orders are processed in China only after we receive your payment in full.
Processing takes 1-3 business days.
Shipping takes 5-7 days from placing your order to getting your items.
1. What is the wholesale price?
The wholesale price depends on the retail price and the quantity you ordered.
Please contact [email protected] and skype ([email protected]) for wholesale offer.
2. If you are a wholesale, how to pay?
Considering the security of the international transaction, we don’t accept credit card payment for the wholesale.
Western Union and Money gram provide wholesale discount.
1. What about your Drop Ship policy?
We do drop ship. You can fill in the shipping address when you check out your shipping cart. And your remarks about drop shipping are highly appreciated on comment column.
Special Sale / Discount
2, Whether there is some sales promotion during Christmas Day?
Yes. Please keep an eye on our Special Sale event, there will be detailed rules on how to enjoy the discount.
What is coupon?
Coupon is Discount code. It can be applied when checkout to enjoy discount. You can also share it with your friends.
Return / Refund
1. What is the return/refund policy?
Because this is an international business, all sales are final. We are unable to accept returns or exchanges due to reasons such as a change of mind, or a minor difference from the item shown in picture. Albeit, we are open to communication with customers regarding any such issues. For details please refer to our Conditions of Use section.
2. What can you do after receiving the wrong item or model?
Some digital pictures of the product are required as evidence for us to investigate.
We are not responsible for the product man-induced damage.
You are responsible for the cost of shipping the items back for an exchange.